How do you find your Skip again?
By skip I mean… that happy skipping along the road we used to do as children. We were just happy, never really questioning or judging why. Have you skipped lately? I have while feeling that internal Joy only loving yourself and life can do, you know what I mean?
When you feel in Flow, it brings Ease and Grace with yourself and the world around you. I love to BE in Love…. With my core self…… no matter what is happening around me in the outside world influences. Okay so you know that feeling now, what do you do when you are out of that flow, you lost your skip?
Well, the first thing I know I need is to Breathe deeply – In breathe – hold – out breathe… let it go like a cannon ball if need be, shaking if off like a dog does with water. Walk away, removing yourself from the experience that is not feeling good. It is your choice! Then rest, having a restoring good night’s sleep. Perhaps an Epson salt bath and/or a walk in nature where I can hear myself and return to centered balance. This may be only a 15 minute walk to allow energy release. I also love meditation to silent all the white noise or others voices or my internal ego – gremlins, all wanting to be heard. My goal is to hear my Own Voice…to feel my internal joy & knowing. Now if these simple techniques are not taking hold then some outside help is my next step. Having honest real authentic friends who have your back during difficult times is such a gift. Commit to allow them to support you as you support them. I have my own ‘wellness’ team beginning with an amazing naturopath Dr. Susan Hamilton (on my recommendations page.) Another awesome option is a professional life coach which can assist in letting you see a new perspective, having life techniques and strategies to get Your Skip Back. Drop me a note below or email or call me, I am here for YOU!
Sending Love,